Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Total Money Makeover

What is the state of your finances?  Good?  Bad?  Fine?  Terrifying?  Well if your answer was one of these (or something you weren't wanting to admit!), then you are in a great spot!!  Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover is written for those who want to overhaul their finances and get themselves in a better financial spot than the one that they are in.

Have you bought into the lies, myths and stories sold to the public about money, spending and consuming?  It's time to end the financial cycle that has us in our current positions and for us to come out on top!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #9 and Rule #10

Drive With Purpose

Now this particular rule just seems kind of obvious but it's still necessary to note.  There are so many of us that have traveled through life going through the motions and not living on purpose.  It is vitally important to not only have a purpose for the drive but to drive with that purpose as our driving force.

"Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey through life...when we drive with purpose we don't get tired or bored and our engines don't burn out" (page 131).

What a great thought!!  When we drive with purpose -- vision and focused energy on our life's plan -- we don't get tired or bored. I know that for me this is great news because there have been plenty of seasons in my life where I've been worn out or bored with the way that my life is going.  But, if we let our purpose fuel our ride then we will be constantly energized.

"Everyone's out there trying to find their purpose when all you have to do is find the bigger purpose in the here and now and your purpose will find you" (page 132).

What is Jon Gordon saying here?  What I believe he is saying is that while it's smart to plan for the future (i.e., save for retirement, college, emergencies, etc.), we must live in and for the moment that we are currently experencing.  We must embrace and get everything out of the moment that we are in and recognize that once we discover the passion that fuels us NOW, then the purpose for tomorrow will come.  I love what Jon Gordon then says about the vision as it relates to the team.

"You have the best view and vision so you'll also need to communicate your vision and purpose with your passengers.  Once you find your bigger purpose and vision then share it with your team.  Once they are a part of this bigger purpose and vision they will work harder and longer for you...shared purpose keeps a team energized and together" (page 133).

Since we have a team of people riding our bus with us, we must have them not only physically on board of the bus but also mentally on board the bus to make the ride a success.  So don't be afraid to share the purpose with our passengers.  Jon Gordon also addresses fear:

"We all have fear but the key to success is that your trust is bigger than your fear.  A little fear is good but it is weak energy.  It runs out.  Trust is the high octane fuel that will take your bus wherever it needs to go" (page 141).

Give into the trust of your purpose and not the fear.

Onto Rule #10:

Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride

There's not much that needs to be said about this rule!!  I think that just as Jon Gordon instructed us to find the bigger purpose in the here and now, I think that at times we are too focused on what's around the corner to enjoy the moment we're in.  I remember as a kid taking road trips with my grandparents.  We always left in the middle of the night so that my brother and I would sleep and so that we wouldn't get caught in traffic.  But, I ALWAYS stayed awake.  I didn't want to miss anything.  That's how we all need to be on the ride of our lives:  always mentally awake, not wanting to miss anything that comes.  We must be content with the ride that WE are on and not be overly concerned about the rides that others are taken either.  We also must let the past be the past and remain in the present.

"Don't be someone who looks back and says I should have done this or that.  Live and work like you have nothing to lose and everything to gain...don't be too stressed to feel blessed.  Don't compare the success of your bus to other buses.  Just enjoy your ride" (page 145).

I want to close this blog about The Energy Bus by saying that this was an EXCELLENT start to my 2011.  I hope and pray that it was a great start for all of you as well.  Get the controls of your bus back in your hand, make the vision clear and propel the ride of your life forward with your positive energy.

"Life is a test.  Every adversity helps us grow.  Negative events and people teach us what we don't want so we can focus our energy on what we do want" (page 152).

See you in February for Total Money Makeover...get ready to transform your finances!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #8

Love Your Passengers

For those of us reading this book to improve our personal lives, then this would be easy to translate.  Our family and our friends often receive our love as a result of the relationship dynamic.  But how does this translate to our professional lives?  Jon Gordon does a great job at showing us that love isn't just the touchy-feely, hugging and kissing display of love.  He tells us that both professionally and personally, love simply comes down to caring enough about the other passengers on our bus to want to see them succeed as we succeed.

"Enthusiasm is important.  But love is the answer.  To really, really, I mean really, tap the power of your heart and lead with positive, contagious energy you must love your passengers.  You've got to become a Love Magnet" (page 114).

Love Magnet!!  I love this!  For years I have heard 'what you focus on expands' and 'what you are you attract.'  So, focus on love...be love!  Make your passengers feel as if you truly care about their personal success by actually caring about their personal success.

"...your team want(s) to know that you are concerned about their future and welfare.  They need to know that you love them.  It can't be just about you and your job.  It also has to be about them" (page 115).

Jon Gordon instructs us to not only invite passengers onto our bus but to get them fired up and excited about the success of the collective.  When people know that you truly do have a vested interest in their success, they will not only work hard for themselves but they will then work hard for you.  They will love you back.  Just as the positive energy that you generate is contagious, so is the love.  Every one has the desire to feel loved -- important, cared about and needed.  That's what it means to love our passengers.

We talked about enthusiasm last time.  Gordon does a fantastic job tying enthusiasm and love together:

"...when your team knows you love them and feel the love from you they will want to stay on your bus wherever it goes.  So enthusiasm gets them excited about being on your bus, but love is what keeps them on the bus" (page 116).

So get them on the bus and then do what is most important to make them stay:  love them.

Gordon gives us five love rules and it's through these five rules that we will find it easy to give love to those around us both personally and professionally.

Five Ways to Love Your Passengers (pages 122-124)

1.  Make Time for Them.  I've always said that 'what is important to you, you will always make time for.'  Gordon says the same thing:  "Just as you would tend to a garden, you need to cultivate your team with love."

2.  Listen to Them.  Having opinions, thoughts and suggestions heard and considered makes people feel significant.  Having an ear to hear and a heart to receive what our passengers have to say is very important.

3.  Recognize Them.  Gordon says it best: "Honor them for who they are and what they do...the more you recognize them for doing things right the more they will do things right."

4.  Serve Them.  As the driver of your bus, it is vitally important that we realize that we are not only there to be the leader of the ride but to take care of the passengers as best as you can.  "The key is to serve their growth, their future, their career, and their spirits so they enjoy work, life, and being on your bus."

5.  Bring Out the Best in Them.  Love does exactly this -- sees the best in a person and does what it takes to bring that very best out.  This is vitally important.  To be truly successful as a team, everyone must be operating as their best selves.  "...the best way any leader can demonstrate their love for their team is to help each person discover their strengths and provide an opportunity for that person to utilize them."

Show your passengers the love they want, need and desire and see that team grow!!