Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #7

Enthusiasm Attracts More Passengers and Energizes Them During the Ride

"Emotions...they can lift you up or bring you down.  We like to say that E-motion stands for energy in motion and your emotional state is all about how the energy is flowing through you" (page 95).

What an interesting rule!  In a book that is about success in our personal and professional lives, I think that it's great to talk about our emotions.  I believe that the word emotion has gotten a bad rep over the years as something that is negative and unnecessary in many arenas of life.  However, emotions play such a large role in the majority of decisions that people make; determines the mood that we're in; often shapes the environment around us.  Enthusiasm is an emotion!  Emotions can fuel us in a positive way or a negative way.

"So instead of letting negative emotions take you down a dark road of negativity, sadness and despair we can take control of our emotions, charge ourselves up, and let the positive energy flow" (page 95).

So, what Jon Gordon is saying is that having our emotions in line assist in allowing positive energy in our lives?  YES!  If you're in a bad mood, you're not going to be fueling up your bus with positive energy or focusing on the goals that you're working towards.  We can't allow our emotions to run our bus off the road.  It is important to have an understanding of the power of our emotions and so that we channel them correctly every day for the benefit of ourselves and all of those that are riding the bus.

Leading With Heart

I stated in an earlier blog that all of us are in a position of authority in some capacity or another -- at work, at school, at church, in our parenting.  So, reading and learning about leadership should be something that everyone does because at one point or another, leadership will be a part of our lives.  Leading with enthusiasm and leading with heart is vitally important.

"The heart is your power center.  It's where contagious positive leadership comes from and the more open, powerful, and positive it is the more powerful you are" (page 100).

Positive energy, emotions and enthusiasm comes from the heart.  For we Christians, we've been taught that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  So, everything -- both good and bad -- comes from the heart.  Wouldn't you want to make sure that everything that's kept in your power center be the correct fuel for optimal success?  I know that I would!!


Jon Gordon states that we must be the CEO's of our own lives -- Chief Energy Officer.  We must settle in our minds that we are going to successfully manage the energy flowing in and through us and that we will also manage the energy of our bus.  CEO's of successful companies work hard to create an environment that is filled with positivity and productivity.  What Gordon is instructing us to do is to adopt this same CEO mentality towards our lives.

"Chief Energy Officers live and work with enthusiasm...they tap the power of their heart by getting excited about being alive, by filling up with loads of positive energy, and by being optimistic about life and work...they charge forward with positive and powerful energy and look at an opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed" (pages 107-108).

So...I guess the question is this...are you ready for your promotion to CEO?  Then let enthusiasm take over and let it energize you and those on board your bus!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #6

And on we go...Rule #6:

Post a Sign That Says 
"No Energy Vampires Allowed" 
on Your Bus

Jon Gordon refers to negative individuals as Energy Vampires.  Energy vampires are those individuals that always say negative things when you're talking positive; say that you can't achieve your dreams and goals when you believe that you can; bring and spread negative energy on your bus.

"I call the people who drain your energy Energy Vampires and they will suck the life out of you and your goals and vision if you let them.  They will cause an engine leak, make your ride miserable or even worse slash your tires." (page 73)

We must not only be vigilant against limiting our interaction with vampires but we must also let them know that they are not welcome on our bus.  As the driver of our own bus, we are the ones that set the route and the tone for the bus ride itself.  This includes the passengers.  There are rules when riding a school bus or riding a public bus and there must be rules when riding your bus.  If you want your bus to arrive at its destination, you have to make sure that the right people are riding with you.  

"You got to be strong enough to tell people that you will not allow any negativity on your bus.  You go to say this is where we are going and to get there we need a positive and supportive team and whoever is negative will be kicked off the bus or left at the station." (page 74)

'Oh this is so negative!' is probably what you're thinking when you read that.  It's not negative; it's truth.  If you invite someone to your house and your rule is to take your shoes off at the door, you expect them to comply.  Why is it different with your bus?  You have a vision and a purpose in mind for the ride.  So in order for that ride to go smoothly and arrive at its destination, you must be bold enough to post what is and is not acceptable as a passenger on the bus.

This next bit is something that made me sit up and say, "YES!  This is IT!!!"  Jon Gordon gives his Ultimate Rule of Positive Energy:

Your positive energy and vision must be greater than anyone's and everyone's negativity.  Your creativity must be greater than everyone's doubt.

What Jon Gordon is saying is that we must believe so strongly and so passionately in our vision that no one can derail us.  It's a must!  We must use our positive energy almost as a shield against negative energy and distractions. 

"Its got to be a habit.  Positive energy is like a muscle.  The more you use it the stronger it gets.  The stronger it gets the more powerful you become." (page 78)

As stated previously in the book, we must take the time to feed the positive dog.  We must take the time to build up the positive momentum in or lives by rehearsing that which is positive instead of focusing on the negative.  Once we have the momentum of positivity in us, it will give us the power and ability to tell others that it's the positive way or the highway.

Two quotes before we leave this stop that I wanted to add in:

"You can't change the past.  Let it go.  Create the future." (page 88)
"The goal is not to be better than anyone else but rather be better than you were yesterday." (pages 91-92)

Energy vampires love to remind us of our past negativity.  Don't let them bring you down.  We've all walked in negativity in the past.  The important thing is that we've regained control of our bus and are now focused on keeping the fuel tank filled with positive energy!

Get your signs printed and hung and have a happy journey until we meet again!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #5

HALF WAY THERE!!!  Rule #5...

Don't Waste Your Energy on 
Those Who Don't Get on Your Bus

I personally LOVE this rule!!!  I think that a lot of our energy is quite often wasted on the naysayers and the detractors.  This rule encourages us to never allow that to happen.  Once we have a firm grasp on the wheel, are fueled up and ready to go and have our route mapped out, we are ready to take on passengers.  BE PREPARED!!  There will ALWAYS be people that you invite on your bus that will either not want to go along for the ride or want to get on the bus because they think that you will fail.  Jon Gordon is very concise on this:  it's negativity.

"...there will always be negativity everywhere and in everything you will always be surrounded by negative people.  It's not these people so to speak.  It's the negativity they represent.  they are just one of many you will come across." (page 69)

It's unavoidable.  There will always be negativity to encounter.  What is important for us to remember is that we are in charge of our own bus and the energy that is on that bus.  So while we can't avoid the negativity that's out there, we can choose to not involve ourselves in it.  Negativity is a strong force!  We must work daily to focus on the positive to combat the negative because negativity is draining and a silent killer.

"...this negativity not only kills productivity and also kills people.  Self-doubt, fear, hopelessness, and negative energy drain you and sabotage everything you want in life and all the success you desire...the same negativity these people represent is also inside you.  That's why you got to feed the positive dog..." (page 69)

What I believe that Jon Gordon is saying here is that if we allow the negative energy to overtake our positive energy, it will eventually kill everything positive that we have.  Our dreams, goals and aspirations will go down the drain if we allow negative energy to take hold.  What about our passengers?  What do we do when we've worked hard to change the energy in our lives, invite others to join us and they decline?  Simple...we keep moving.  The path of our bus ride is dependent on focusing on the vision that we have for our lives, not the opinions and choices of others.  We can't afford to focus on that; it's negativity.  If we are sold out to the vision for our lives, then we can't allow other people's choices to detour us from reaching our destination.

"Everyone has to make their own choices and you have to make yours.  And certainly don't spend your energy being upset that these people didn't get on your bus.  Don't take it personal.  Maybe they are meant to get on another bus.  Maybe if they got on your bus they would ruin your ride."  (page 71)

I'm a firm believer in the phrase "everything happens for a reason."  So, to conclude this point, don't allow your positive energy to be hindered by someone not getting on your bus.  The correct people will get on and the wrong ones will stay off.  Invest time, energy and effort into the passengers that will help expand your positive energy and not the ones that passed up a golden opportunity for success!

"No one creates success in a vacuum and the people we surround ourselves with have a big influence on the life and success we create.  If you want to be successful you have to be very careful about who is on your bus." (page 73)

Keep reading and keep your eyes on the road's only getting better!  See you at the next stop!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #4

Rule #4 already...the bus is moving along nicely!!

Invite People on Your Bus and 
Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead

Jon Gordon is now saying to us that we need to have people on our bus and they need to know what route is.  Having the right people around us is vitally important to our successes in life.  This is true for all aspects of our lives.  Remember being in school?  (I do too....!)  Our success level in the classroom was largely dependent on which group of friends we were hanging out with at the time.  The same is true in the "real world."  There are many of us with passengers on our bus who's energy is not conducive to a successful drive.  Gordon stresses the importance of choosing the right people to ride our bus and then showing them the vision for the trip.  In order to do this, we must have already regained control of the wheel as the driver of our bus; realized the vision for bus ride and filled up the tank with positive energy.  Once those three steps are complete, it's time to start taking on passengers!

"There's no better way to get people on your bus than telling them where you are going and asking them to get must share your vision with them.  You must make it clear what you expect...if you don't clearly communicate your vision of the road ahead no one will want to travel with you." (page 58)

This seems simple:  let people know where you taking them before you take them there.  However, there are many of us that are in charge of families or in charge of teams at work or school and we are leading with no vision.  People take great confidence in following someone if they know that person has a vision of where they are going.  It is vitally important that the vision for our bus' journey is clear enough to us that we could tell anyone at anytime.  This clarity will make it easy to convey the vision to those potential passengers.  Much like the passengers from the book, our passengers will have unique stories, varied backgrounds and qualities but all will add to the energy of the bus; not detract from it.  Each person on Joy's bus believed very strongly in the Energy Bus principle and everyone that rides your bus should believe as well.  Belief comes from the vision set before us!

Joy advises George to pass out tickets to invite people onto his bus as a tangible way to get his work team on board with a project.  She also advises George to do the same with his wife.  The reason for the tickets is so that George can see who is on board to ride the bus and who isn't based on the vision that he's explained.  Who do you need to hand tickets out to in your life?

This blog is shorter than the others but much more concise:  add the right passengers to your bus and add to the energy flowing around you!

( has actual tickets that you can print out and hand out to those in your life that you want to ride your bus...hop online and happy driving!)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #3

Rule #3 here we are!  Jon Gordon's rules build on one another.  Rule #3 is no different.

Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy

We have learned in the previous two rules that being the driver of our own bus and allowing desire, vision and focus move that bus in the right direction is a great start to a better life lived.  However, just like a physical bus needs fuel to make any trip, our lives need fuel to make our trip as well.  Jon Gordon's best suggestion for the octane that we use for our lives is Positive Energy.

"...if you keep on thinking what you have been thinking you'll keep on getting what you have been getting." (page 45)

What Jon Gordon is saying here is simple: the law of attraction.  We discussed this last time...the law of attraction simply says that what you think about, talk about and expend the most energy towards is what you will ultimately attract.  So, Gordon's advice to all of us to think on (and ultimately speak forth) only positive things and the things that we want.

E + P = O

E = Events
P = Perception/Positive energy
O = Outcome
(page 46)

The events of our lives coupled with how we handle them determine their outcome.  We've all heard the quote  'life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it'.

"Things happen...but it's how we choose to deal with the events in our life that means everything.  We all get down but the key is what we do to turn life around...positive energy and positive people create positive results." (page 46)

It's a good thing that Jon Gordon says next.  He is careful to point out that positive energy isn't phony smiles and fake happiness.  He says that it's more than's energy that comes from within and is developed in the course of our past successes.  It's important to remember that positive energy is FUEL!!  It gives our lives the "pick me up" energy that we often need to overcome certain obstacles.  Negative energy is draining!  We've all been around those individuals whose lives are fueled by negative energy.  It's draining them while at the same time draining us.  Positive energy has the same contagious effect; positive energy will rub off on those around us to inspire and energize their lives as well.  The question is, which energy do you want to be responsible for spreading?

Two great exercises that Jon Gordon associates with positive energy as fuel for our lives are called the Thank You Walk and the One Great Golf Shot Theory.

Thank You Walk (pages 51-52)
The thank you walk is a great exercise to re-boost your energy levels when you feel the positivity slipping away.  It's simple.  Take as much time as you can in the morning, at lunch, in the evening or even while driving to or from work and SAY OUT LOUD the things in your life that you are grateful for.  The purpose of this time is to focus your mind and your words on that which is going well and positive in your life.  This is a great daily exercise but also helpful especially in those situations where we catch ourselves rehearsing the negative.

One Great Golf Shot Theory (pages 53-54)
The one great golf shot theory is very similar to the thank you walk.  It is a practice to keep the positive energy flowing in our lives on a daily basis.  The one great golf shot theory revolves around the fact that after a round of golf, golfers focus on the one great shot that they had during the day instead of focusing on the bad ones.  Jon Gordon's advice is to do this in life.  Before bed, focus on the one (or more) great "shots" that you took throughout the day.  Pair this with the thank you walk and positive energy will be flowing in, through and out of you!

So fuel up your bus with positive energy and we'll talk at the next stop!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #2

The bus is moving right along!
What's rule #2 in Jon Gordon's 10 rules to fuel your life, work and team with positive energy?

Desire, Vision and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction

Once we regain the position as the driver of our bus, we must possess the desire, vision and focus in order for the bus to move in the right direction.  I believe that desire is fueled by passion; vision fueled by knowing what we want and focus is fueled by combining the passion and the vision for our lives to keep us going.

Desireto wish or long for; crave; want; a longing or craving, as for 
something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment; something desired.

Visionthe act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be; something seen or otherwise perceived during such an experience; 
to envision.

Focusa central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity; to concentrate;  to become focused.
(all definitions courtesy of

When you combine these three elements together, you will be unstoppable! Jon Gordon says: "each day...focus on your vision for 10 minutes and see yourself creating everything you wrote down...there is the law of energy (page 42)."  The Law of Attraction is simple:  the more that we focus on something, the more it manifests in our lives.  So what is the key to rule #2?  Focus on our desires and the vision that we have set forth for our lives and allow that focus to navigate our bus!  If we want good things in our lives, focus and speak only those things that we want.  What we focus on and what we talk about is what will enter our lives -- both good and bad!

"...when you complain you get more things to complain about." (page 43)

Why rehearse those things that we don't want and fuel our lives with negative energy? We could easily infuse our lives with positive energy by focusing on and talking about the things that we do want.  Now that we have grasped the concept of driving our own bus, Jon Gordon wants us to understand the importance of focus.  Once we have our the vision for our lives -- and only our vision! -- we can use that to navigate our bus in the right direction.  Just as it is dangerous to have a bus with the wrong driver (or no driver), it's dangerous to drive the bus without a route in mind.  Refer to the exercise on page 31 and make sure that your vision is clear and written out.

So FOCUS!!!!  Keep your desires and vision in the forefront of your mind and on the tip of your tongue.  Remember, the law of attraction is in action and you don't want your bus to get a citation for violating the law!

Keep reading and keep we'll discuss Rule #3 in a few days!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Energy Bus - Rule #1

Here we go...the first bus stop!

According to Jon Gordon, the first rule on the Energy Bus is:

You're the Driver of Your Bus

"Always remember that you are the driver of your bus.  It's the most important of the rules because if you don't take responsibility for your life and control of your bus then you can't take it where you want to.  If you're not the driver, then you'll always be at the whim of every one else's travel plans." (page 26)

So what is Jon Gordon saying here?  I believe that he's saying two words: personal responsibility.  Accept the responsibility of the lives that each of us are given and do with those lives exactly what we want.  There is a certain level of power and confidence that comes with taking the wheel of our lives and driving the bus in the direction of our choosing. There are situations and circumstances that occur that often distract, derail or deter us from our dreams, goals and ambitions.  What Jon Gordon is wanting us to grasp in the first (and most important!) rule is that regardless of what detours, exits or road blocks that we encounter, if we're in control of our own bus, then we can navigate the road easily based on the choices we make for ourselves.

"...once you reclaim your power, everything and I mean everything will begin to change.  No one can choose your attitude but you, George.  No one else can choose your energy George..." (page 28-29)

Choice!  I love this word.  EVERYTHING in life is about choice whether we realize it or not.  We can choose to say that our upbringing made us a certain way or a past relationship had a certain effect on us.  Staying silent and not doing anything to better a situation is a choice as well; it says that we've chosen to give up.  The truth of the matter is that we have to be active in choosing how we want to go through this life and who will be in charge.  Where are you going and why are you going there?  Who's driving?  Which route are you taking and why?  If you don't have clear answers for these questions, it's time to take back over as driver.

"The energy you fuel the ride of your life with is entirely up to you.  And as the driver, you are the one who must also choose your vision of where you want to go.  You have the best seat and the best view of your life so it's up to you.  You gotta have vision......a man with vision has a certain look in his eye and walk in his step.  He walks like he knows where he is going and why he is going there..." (page 29)

Jon Gordon says it simply: life is all about energy.  Positive or is all about energy.  Energy moves in, through and around us and it either moves us forward and upward or backward and downward.  Like the quote above says, it's up to us which energy we use to fuel the life ride.  And we can't get anywhere without a clear vision.

" can't go somewhere if you don't have a vision of where you want to go." (page 35)

"Sometimes we have to see what we don't want, to know what we do want." (page 39)

So...what's your vision?  Where are you driving your bus?  Why are you driving there and what's your route?

Personal Exercise
Some of you may have done this already which is perfect!!  However, I would encourage you all to answer the questions that Jon Gordon has placed on page 31.  It will help to define your vision and place before you a visual aid (a map if you will...) of where you're going to be driving your bus.

1.  My vision for my life (including my health) is:
2.  My vision for my work, career, job and team is:
3.  My vision for my relationship and family is:

Feel free to share your list with either the club or those around you that will be passengers on your bus so that the ride can stay on track.  I encourage you to look over your list often even if no one else sees it.  You must always keep the vision before you so that your route is clear.


As other drivers on the road, what do you have to say?  Post below!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What's the Point?

1/1/11. Good time to start something new, right? Of course!! Is it a cliche? OF COURSE! However, some things are good to keep as a cliche. So here I am...starting something new on the first day of the new year. After a few months of thinking, praying and deciding how to do it, here I am.

The Premise
Everyone starts out a new year with resolutions, new choices and goals in mind. Those things are always aimed at bettering ones self and ones life during the course of the upcoming year. I had the thought of what about bettering myself while taking others along for the ride. I wanted to read a new book every month of 2011 and share that experience with others. An online book club. Anyone that wants to come along for the ride can and they will reap the benefits of the contents of the selected books and the comments from other readers. Anyone that doesn't want to read, can still follow along with the updates and postings.

The Selections
Everyone that knows me knows that I'm a Christian and believe very strongly in the power of having a relationship with Christ. This year long journey will not strictly consist of Christian based topics, books or authors though. I am a Christian that also believes very strongly in the power of BALANCE. So, with that being said, the book selections will be balanced as well. Thankfully the calendar is nice and even, so I will make 6 book selections that are spiritually based and 6 that are practical books to improve all areas of life. For anyone that wants to be a part of this, book suggestions are ALWAYS welcome. I have some FANTASTIC ideas already in mind but will remain open to others!!

The Jump Off
So, January, you have been assigned a WONDERFUL book on the power of positivity. It is entitled The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work and Team with Positive Energy by Jon Gordon. This book is in the hands of every person in a leadership at my company. Since I work for a group of leaders that I admire and a company that is continuing to grow, increase and expand, I figure that a book that they suggest is definitely worth my time. I will be posting throughout the month little nuggets and opinions from and about the book.

The Beginning
Let's go!!! I'm getting on the Energy Bus and riding into 2011!!!