Don't Waste Your Energy on
Those Who Don't Get on Your Bus
I personally LOVE this rule!!! I think that a lot of our energy is quite often wasted on the naysayers and the detractors. This rule encourages us to never allow that to happen. Once we have a firm grasp on the wheel, are fueled up and ready to go and have our route mapped out, we are ready to take on passengers. BE PREPARED!! There will ALWAYS be people that you invite on your bus that will either not want to go along for the ride or want to get on the bus because they think that you will fail. Jon Gordon is very concise on this: it's negativity.
"...there will always be negativity everywhere and in everything you will always be surrounded by negative people. It's not these people so to speak. It's the negativity they represent. they are just one of many you will come across." (page 69)
It's unavoidable. There will always be negativity to encounter. What is important for us to remember is that we are in charge of our own bus and the energy that is on that bus. So while we can't avoid the negativity that's out there, we can choose to not involve ourselves in it. Negativity is a strong force! We must work daily to focus on the positive to combat the negative because negativity is draining and a silent killer.
"...this negativity not only kills productivity and also kills people. Self-doubt, fear, hopelessness, and negative energy drain you and sabotage everything you want in life and all the success you desire...the same negativity these people represent is also inside you. That's why you got to feed the positive dog..." (page 69)
What I believe that Jon Gordon is saying here is that if we allow the negative energy to overtake our positive energy, it will eventually kill everything positive that we have. Our dreams, goals and aspirations will go down the drain if we allow negative energy to take hold. What about our passengers? What do we do when we've worked hard to change the energy in our lives, invite others to join us and they decline? Simple...we keep moving. The path of our bus ride is dependent on focusing on the vision that we have for our lives, not the opinions and choices of others. We can't afford to focus on that; it's negativity. If we are sold out to the vision for our lives, then we can't allow other people's choices to detour us from reaching our destination.
"Everyone has to make their own choices and you have to make yours. And certainly don't spend your energy being upset that these people didn't get on your bus. Don't take it personal. Maybe they are meant to get on another bus. Maybe if they got on your bus they would ruin your ride." (page 71)
I'm a firm believer in the phrase "everything happens for a reason." So, to conclude this point, don't allow your positive energy to be hindered by someone not getting on your bus. The correct people will get on and the wrong ones will stay off. Invest time, energy and effort into the passengers that will help expand your positive energy and not the ones that passed up a golden opportunity for success!
"No one creates success in a vacuum and the people we surround ourselves with have a big influence on the life and success we create. If you want to be successful you have to be very careful about who is on your bus." (page 73)
Keep reading and keep your eyes on the road's only getting better! See you at the next stop!!
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